Monday, March 11, 2013

Communication and planning are vital to the success of churches working together

This weekend leaders from the four congregations that share God's house on Drexel Avenue gathered to discover areas of mutual interest. Each congregation has an individual style that appeals to the people who gather at their particular time and space. There is agreement that the potential for reaching a greater diversity (and number) of people is higher by maintaining our separate congregational identities. There is also agreement that there are things we can do together that would magnify our strengths and lead to a greater Kingdom impact.

In order for diverse congregations to work together new habits need to be created. This is easier said than done and must be intentional. It takes time, joint planning and multiple channels of communication.

Joint planning needs to occur at both the event level and the strategic (long range) level. Big events have to be calendared well in advance. Each church should take turns in leading the coordination of joint ventures to create greater harmony.

Effective communication is a key element in effective joint ventures. It was discovered that some leaders were unaware of a major upcoming event despite its mention in five different media. We cannot assume that a message transmitted is one that was received. Multiple means of communication are needed along with feedback to measure the impact of our messages.

The impact of working together for the sake of the gospel is greater than just the numbers.
  • First, it pleases God when His people are in unity (Psalm 133:1).
  • Second, each congregation brings a different point of view that informs the whole.
  • Third, it multiplies our results, while reducing our efforts.

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