Wednesday, July 05, 2017

Are you ready to fight hunger?

According to a recent CNN report, there are 13.1 million children in America who are food insecure. They are not sure when their next meal will be; they don't get enough to eat; and the food they do get is often of poor nutritional quality. On the other hand, the US is not only the world's leading exporter of food but, also, we throw away 40% of our food (enough to feed 25 million people.)

There is plenty of food in the US and, locally, The San Antonio Food Bank has demonstrated a phenomenal ability to collect and redistribute surplus food to over 500 agencies. The problem seems to be distribution. We need to get food into the mouths of the hungry.

There are many theories regarding the causes of poverty but I like what the Bible has to say, “There will always be poor people in the land. Therefore I command you to be openhanded toward your fellow Israelites who are poor and needy in your land.” (Deuteronomy 15:11 NIV)

I know that I don't have the ability to end poverty but I know I can feed some hungry people right now.

Baptist Temple operates a client choice pantry 3 days a week for 3 hours each day. People in need of assistance come in and visit with a volunteer who helps them through the process and determines if there are other needs for which we can provide guidance and resources. In addition to food, we also have used clothes and other items available. We, also, frequently offer classes in health, finances, nutrition and gardening. Can you give a few hours a week or a month so that we can help more people?

Being open an afternoon or evening each week and on Saturday each month will help us serve the working poor. If you want to organize a crew, we will need five people to run a shift for three hours. Once a week, once a month, once in a while... whatever time you have to give will be appreciated.

Contact me at if you'd like to help us fight hunger.

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