"…whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me." Matthew 25:40
Two members of our extended family were found dead, along with their two dogs, due to carbon monoxide poisoning, earlier this month. Paul and Rinessa were living in a tent across the interstate from the Baptist Temple campus. They had been homeless for four days and had been among the folks who join us for our community meals on Tuesdays. They were well known among our folks who work in our Highland Park CAN ministry. The tragic deaths hit hard. Although we were unable to rehouse them, nor fix the issues that led to their eviction, we were able to give them a cup of cold water in Jesus’ name (in this case a hot meal).
Baptist Temple has a long history of working with the homeless in our city dating back to the Great Depression. During that era, we had a homeless encampment a mile to the east of our campus. Our folks would bring blankets, clothes, and food to the residents of “tent city.” A mile to our north, we operated a soup kitchen on Walters and Vine.
Today, homelessness and poverty have moved closer to the church, and we provide food and clothing through our Highland Park CAN (community assistance network) ministry located on our campus. Both physical and spiritual needs are met by our team of caring ministers. On Tuesday nights we provide a free hot meal to everyone.
The 2024 San Antonio homeless count revealed 3372 homeless people, 75% were sheltered, leaving 882 on the streets. In 2023, 332 homeless people died, including a former member who was found dead in the apartment that had been provided for him. The issue is complex and there are many smart people working on it from different angles. For our part, we will feed the hungry, clothe the naked, invite the stranger, and, of course, offer a cup of cold water in Jesus’ name.
“For there will never cease to be poor in the land. Therefore I command you, ‘You shall open wide your hand to your brother, to the needy and to the poor, in your land.’” Deuteronomy 15: 11
Click here to donate now to support our ministry to the poor in our community.
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